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Streamlining Maritime emissions calculation and tax management with Geoperform ETS, a SaaS solution designed for Geoserve


  • Development

  • UI Design

  • UX Design



Project Duration

6 months



Value added

Simplified Data Complexity

Streamlined intricate data processes, making advanced calculations and insights easy to visualise and understand.

Optimised Data Organisation

Optimized data to makes managing and accessing the information easier, reducing human erros, boosting efficiency, ease in decision making.

Simplified Reports

Complex detailed data is presented in easy to read format ensuring insights and documented information is communicated well.

Navigating Maritime Challenges by Simplifying Complex Information for Improved Operations

In the maritime industry, the lack of comprehensive tools for calculating vessel performance and complying with environmental regulations poses a challenge. Current methods rely on fragmented data sources and manual processes, hampering global collaboration. Stakeholders, including ship owners and shipping companies, struggle to accurately assess emissions and taxes for cargo transactions. Scalability is crucial to adapt to the yearly changes in European Union regulations.

User Centric Design With Insightful Recommendations And Easy Navigation

Designed keeping the users in mind, the product provides insightful recommendations and prompts through graphs and grouped tables. Features such as setting limits, advanced filters, global actions, and contextual navigation make it easy for users to achieve their goals.

Revolutionise EUA Accounting with Geoperform ETS

GeoPerform calculates EUAs for each client and stakeholders according to agreements,events and discounts, and groups the data by passage. Additional features ensure accuracy and transparency in tax calculations, making it fraud-free.

Tiered System with Robust User Management for Admin

The team developed an admin module for leadership roles. Admins can set unique and different permissions for users, making access management easy. User permissions are simplified with role creation. The module's scalable layout and card listings are designed to adapt to future additions smoothly

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